
What is Going On

To our brothers and sisters in Christ,

After many months of prayer and discernment, we, the elected core group, have come to the realization that the charismatic community does not desire to come together and worship the Lord every first Friday.  Attendance has dwindled to 7 or 8 worshippers.  It is not enough to continue.

The prayer meeting will continue at Saint Lawrence Church on Tuesday evenings starting at 7 p.m. in the social room. On special occasions there will be a worship service for the prayer group or we will attend the 5:30 p.m. Mass as a group before our prayer meeting on Tuesday evenings. From time to time, we will sponsor a bible study on Tuesday evenings. Everyone is welcome to attend.

If the Holy Spirit directs us to return to First Friday Mass, we will obey Him and notification of the dates and location will be forthcoming.

Yours in Christ,

Joseph P. Valvo

Overall Director

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